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Android Privacy Policy

Last updated 22 September, 2023. POL005_E

This Android Privacy Policy contains information specifically for the femfit Android App.


It builds on the general JUNOFEM Privacy Policy which provide definitions and describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the broader Service provided by JUNOFEM (including Our websites). Both policies tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. 


We use Your Personal Data to provide and improve the Service. By accepting the Privacy Policy in the App, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Android Privacy Policy and the general JUNOFEM Privacy Policy.

Android specific aspects of our Privacy policy

For Android devices, You need to allow location services when using the App. We use location services to enable Bluetooth to connect the femfit App to the femfit device. The reason location services must be allowed is because, in principle, a Bluetooth scan could be used to gather information about a users location. JUNOFEM does not use Bluetooth to gather information about location, it only uses Bluetooth to connect to a femfit device.



Information Collected

While using Our Application, in order to provide features of Our Application, We may collect, with Your prior permission:

  1. values obtained from sensors inside the femfit device

  2. actions associated with You using the user interface

  3. text entries and selections You make in the diary pages

  4. date and time You use the Applications and a femfit device

  5. femfit device details including serial number, firmware version, battery level and user settings

  6. history data about performance from completed exercise sessions

  7. programme selection choices You make and status of the programme such as current day

  8. group settings


​We use this information to provide features of Our Service, to improve and customise Our Service. For example, if You restart an exercise tile, then We know to not analyse the first attempt at the exercise, and to retain your performance from the latest exercise in your performance record. For example, recording the date and time allows feedback on a session to be presented referencing Your local time zone and in the correct order, independent from the time Our servers received data. The information may be uploaded to the Company’s servers and/or a Service Provider’s server or it may be simply stored on Your device.

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

  • Email address

  • Usage Data


Your email address is used for two purposes. 

1. If You forget your password, then in the App You can trigger a reset link to be sent to the email address used when You set up Your account. JUNOFEM cannot reset your password, it can only be reset by sending a link to Your original email.

 2. It is important for JUNOFEM to have a valid means of communicating with You. If we have concerns that Your pelvic floor exercising technique is not effective, then we will attempt to contact you. It is unlikely for you to benefit from performing exercise sessions if your technique is wrong. We can provide additional tips to improve technique, or we may recommend you see a Health Care Professional.

Note: if your symptoms for urinary incontinence ever get worse while using femfit, you should stop using femfit and seek feedback from JUNOFEM or a Health Care Professional. 


Usage Data

Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Service.


​When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID,  Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers, version of the femfit App and other diagnostic data.


We use this information to improve Our Service. For example, if we detect an App crash, we may use the device type, operating system and App version as diagnostic information when identifying a cause and testing a possible solution. Our feedback information is updated regularly and may use mobile internet browser technology to display this feedback to You. Knowing what browser You are using, enables Us to test the display of feedback.

Health Care Professionals

femfit is used by Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to manage patient care.

If you have entered a Clinic Code in the femfit App, then we may share your name and exercise data with your clinic. At any time, in the App, you can choose to Stop sharing with your clinic.

If you have completed a Patient Information Consent Form (PICF) with a HCP, then JUNOFEM will share information collected with the Health Care Profession consistent with the PICF. Independently from the provisions of the PICF, You may contact to stop access to Your data by a HCP at anytime. 

Research Studies

femfit is a highly respected medical device in the clinical research community. Some users of femfit are enrolled in research studies managed by Universities, and these users will be subject to the Privacy Policies of those studies. You will not be enrolled in a University research study without Your knowledge and Your consent. If You are part of a study, You may contact to stop access to Your data by a research study group at anytime. 

JUNOFEM Research

JUNOFEM has been established on a platform of 10 years of scientific research. The femfit solution, feedback and exercise programs presented to You, are based on the analysis of data and evolution of the technology derived from the experiences of the many women who have used femfit. Your sensor data and usage data will be used by JUNOFEM for improving the Service. JUNOFEM may offer different Services to You from those offered to another user for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the Service. This is typically called A/B testing where group A has a different Service from group B for the purpose of establishing which Service performs better. For example, Group A may be required to graduate from a one week starter programme before commencing the 12-week strength builder programme. Group B may have the option of joining the 12-week strength building programme immediately. If we find that Group A have a superior technique after 4 weeks of using femfit, the decision might be to adopt the Group A Services for all users moving forward. You will not necessarily know if Your Service is different from another users Service. 

Other Matters

Please see the general JUNOFEM Privacy Policy for other matters such as retention, access, transfer, disclosure and security. These aspects are consistent across all Our platforms.

We do not

We do not sell Your data to other companies. We do not use Your data to solicit sales of services or products that are not related to Our Service.


Our Privacy Policy is intended to give You confidence that We respect your data and the reason for its collection is to provide Our Service to you. If you have any concerns about our Privacy Policies, please let us know. We are always keen to improve our policies to support You and the provisions of Our Services. Feedback can be sent to

© 2024 JUNOFEM


JUNOFEM Limited.              JUNOFEM UK Limited

Level 6, 70 Symonds St.      11 Glen Orcky Road
Grafton, Auckland 1010       Motherwell ML1 5SA

New Zealand.                        United Kingdom.


Company Numbers

NZBN 9429046771520        SC749094


Customer Service

Tel +64 9 300​ 7548.               +44 7500 659736

Email ​


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For clinicians

User guide


femfit® is a low-risk medical device specifically designed to improve pelvic floor muscle function. A well-functioning pelvic floor is likely to reduce the symptoms of urinary incontinence. Individual results may vary. For more information, please refer to the user guide.

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